Letting go of your past to take hold of your future

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I built my Life.” - J.K. Rowling



Cameron McKay

  • Head of Operations and Ongoing Education

  • Former Police Officer injured in the line of duty March 2015

  • Shot in the face, Ferguson, Missouri

  • Public: Individual and group, PTSD recovery coach (1-50+ attendees)

    • PTSD education and recovery

    • Turning Pain into purpose, With a Higher Powers Help

  • Facilitates POST Certified Law Enforcement Ongoing education Classes (1-50+ attendees)

    • Injured in the line of Duty

    • Humanizing the badge

    • Officer Mental Health and PTSD

  • Masters in Management and Leadership


Who is PTSD Support for?

Those Affected by PTSD.

PTSD Support is dedicated to the individual who is suffering from PTSD.

“I wanted to share my story so other people suffering know they are not alone and that things do get better.” -Cam-

Trauma can keep a person stuck in place.  The individual is trapped between not being able to process a Traumatic experience and living in the present moment. 

  This site shows how Cam and others are getting better in an effort to mark the trail to recovery.

Who created PTSD Support? 

PTSD Support was created and launched in 2019 by Cameron McKay and a team of individuals passionate about PTSD awareness and recovery. We continue to grow and develop new ways to educate and help individuals affected by PTSD. We want you to know that you are not suffering alone.


We can rise above our circumstances with each other’s support

Why are you here?

Many people are trapped in a moment that occurred in their life.  Going over it again and again while still feeling the pain from the trauma. Unfortunately, in today’s society, it’s commonly believed that struggles in life need to be concealed and kept to ourselves.  We see feelings as weakness.  People get on social media or together with friends and say “Hey, look how great my life is!!”  This leads to a lot of trauma being tucked away inside.

The truth is many people’s lives are glass houses with great curbside appeal.  From the outside everything looks great but inside things are falling apart.  As a police officer you start getting a grasp on the idea that money doesn’t mean life is good.  An officer can see the same problems in a mansion that he sees in a tent.

PTSD Support is where I share my, and other peoples, real Trauma recovery stories in order to educate and motivate individuals who are committed to positive personal growth.

PTSD Support.org is here for anyone who feels lost, alone, and scared because that’s where we have been. We have been in moments when hope was got us through the night. Hope and a way out is what PTSD support has been tasked to provide.


Road to Recovery

The road to this point has been filled with ups and downs, some more extreme than others. Everyone has their own journey through Trauma.   

For a long time we were all a victim. It was easy to be a victim. All the signs pointed in that direction.

But by the Grace of god and a lot of hard unfamiliar work We and Others are being freed from the bondage of Trauma.  

We do not claim to be free from all anger and pain but it no longer runs my life.

We can say that our lives went from being saturated with pain and anger to now manageable as a result of the steps We’ve taken to get life back.  We had to let go of wanting to break down others and focus on building ourselves again.

We had to put down the pain and anger we were carrying. We had to pick our futures by learning to let go of our past.

IT takes a lot of work but it is one hurdle than must be taken on.  

We know YOU might not be able to imagine moving on right now. Don’t force it. What We ask is that YOU start thinking about making YOUR future life more important than the pain of the past.

Our glass was half empty for a long time with no sign of any change to come but we kept going.  

YOU can’t erase what we have been through. But it is our personal responsibility to move on.

YOU can rise above our circumstances with each other’s support.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
