

If God Exists then where has he BEEN?

In today’s world Faith is hard to find Especially when YOU are suffering or witnessing someone suffering.

It’s even harder when YOU hear others debating Gods existence.  Somehow talking about faith became unpopular.

It is your decision, as an individual human being, to have faith in a higher power or not.  YOU are responsible for YOUR personal beliefs and what role it plays in YOUR life.

While in my coma, suffering from double pneumonia, my right lung collapsed, and having PTSD dreams, I was in a tremendous amount of physical and mental pain. Every minute was an hour. I just wanted my life to end.

Then suddenly all my pain was gone and I was floating in darkness towards a bright energy. When I got close to the energy I felt that I was holding the hand of someone taller than me. I looked up and it was my grandma. I was a child holding my grandma’s hand in heaven.

Let me stress!!! All my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain was all gone!!!

It was like all the energy in my body was recharged and I felt like I was home. The over whelming feeling the entire time? LOVE

“Prayer Changes Things” - Steve Harvey-

Many have found their faith in their darkest moments using it to give them strength.  But all that praying usually starts when a person needs help.  Ever heard of Fox hole Prayers?  This is a term used for prayers said by a soldier when he believes he is in mortal danger while they hide in a hole they have dug (Fox Hole).

How do you feel about a Higher Power?

When talking with people during spiritual or stressful times some say God, some say higher power, Lord, Buddha, Jesus, or pray to “whoever is listening”. What matters is that YOU are talking and YOU are beginning to ask for help.

From someone or something that is bigger than all of us.

My Life Changed when I was at my worst.

It took the desperation at my worst to finally really say……… “God if you are there I need Help, I’ll do anything !!!!!”

and my life changed. I was able to do things I never could have done alone. God gave me strength.

So I kept asking for help to get better. And I did.

I had previously abandoned my faith and now saved by it.

Not everyone has their spiritual awakening this way. Thank Goodness

It doesn’t matter who YOU speak to or how you speak to them.  Just keep talking.

In doing this YOU will be able to hand off a lot of the emotional baggage YOU are carrying around.  By no means will all your problems be gone, but YOU will find handing off the pain to a power greater than yourself will help. 

This will begin a relationship with a higher power.

Really: what do you have to lose?

YOU are not alone.